New pre-print about corpus-informed teaching

I put up a new pre-print on SocArxiv:

Creating a small corpus to inform materials design in an ongoing English for Specialist Purposes (ESP) course for Orthodontists and Orthodontic Assistants

In my work as a language teacher to a group of orthodontists and orthodontic treatment assistants, I wanted an analysis of orthodontic practitioner-to-patient discourse. Because access to authentic spoken discourse was too difficult to attain due to ethical considerations, a small corpus was constructed in order to facilitate better informed form-focused instruction. Details of the typical forms found in the corpus are given, as is an overview of the corpus construction.

Rating learners’ pronunciation: how should it be done?

This goes into a bit more detail about phonetics than some people familiar with me might be comfortable with.

On Friday I went to Tokyo JALT’s monthly meeting (no link because I can’t find a permalink) to see three presentations on pronunciation (or more accurately, phonology, seeing as Alastair Graham-Marr covered both productive and receptive, listening skills). All three presenters, Kenichi Ohyama, Yukie Saito and Alastair Graham-Marr were interesting but there was one particular point that stuck with me from Yukie Saito’s presentation.

She was talking about rating pronunciation and how it had often been carried out by ‘native speaker’ raters. She also said that it was often carried out according to rater intuition on Likert scales of either ‘fluency’ (usually operating as speed of speech), ‘intelligibility’ (usually meaning phonemic conformity to a target community norm) or ‘comprehensibility’ (how easily raters understand speakers).

What else could work is something that needs to be answered, not only to make work done in applied linguistics more rigorous but to make assessment of pronunciation less arbitrary. I have an idea. Audio corpora could be gathered of speakers in target communities, phonemes run through Praat, and typical acceptable ranges for formant frequencies taken. Learners should then be rated according to comprehensibility by proficient speakers, ideally from the target community, as well as run through Praat to check that phonemes correspond to the acceptable ranges for formants. This data would all then be triangulated and a value assigned based on both.

Now, I fully acknowledge that there are some major drawbacks to this. Gathering an audio corpus is massive pain. Running it all through Praat and gathering the data even more so. To then do the same with learners for assessment makes things yet more taxing. However, is it really better to rely on rater hunches and hope that every rater generally agrees? I don’t think so and the reason is, there is no construct that makes any of this any less arbitrary, especially if assessment is done quickly. With the Praat data, there is at least some quantifiable data to show whether, for example, a learner-produced /l/ conforms to that typically produced in the target community and it would be triangulated with the rater data. It would also go some way to making the sometimes baffling assessment methodologies a bit more transparent, at least to other researchers.

New working paper

I put up a new working paper on SocArxiv today.

Jones, M. (2018, October 10). Exploring Difficulties Faced in Teaching Elective English Listening Courses at Japanese Universities.

In this paper, an exploration of the problems encountered in teaching two elective English listening courses at Japanese universities in 2017 and 2018. Intended as a working paper with an intended audience of teaching professionals and those who support them, problems in working memory, motivation and general listening pedagogy are detailed.

Corpus Linguistics: Searching for affixes with R

One of my interests is corpus linguistics and creating corpora. However, I want to get better at analyzing my corpora more deeply.

As a project to help me learn the software/language R, I made a corpus analysis tool that gets the first 5 and last 5 characters of each word in a corpus, counts their occurrences and outputs the results in CSV files.

You’ll need to download R if you don’t have it.

The code I wrote is here.

Current professional development goals

With the start of my MRes at University of Portsmouth, one of my main goals is to improve my data handling and data analysis skills. I have very rusty and rather limited skills in using Python, which I used to build and clean a corpus for English for Specific Purposes with the open source tools from Masaryk University NLP Centre & Lexical Computing (n. d).

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Working with me

Hello. Thank you for visiting my website.

I am a teacher in the Tokyo and Kanagawa area. I am interested in how we teach English, especially how we teach listening and pronunciation. If you are interested in working with me, contact me.