Publications & Presentations


Book Chapters

Jones, M. (2023). Communicating Information for Decision Making: Reflections on a Leadership Communication Course. In S. Egitim & Y. Umemiya (Eds.), Leaderful Classroom Pedagogy Through an Interdisciplinary Lens (pp. 67–81). Springer Nature.

Jones, M. (2020a). The interaction of training and observation in one teacher’s development. In D. Hooper & N. Hashimoto (Eds.), Teacher Narratives from the Eikaiwa Classroom: Moving Beyond “McEnglish”. (pp.123-131.) Candlin & Mynard. Download PDF


Jones, M. (In press). Feedback timing affects L2+ perceptual vowel acquisition. The Language Scholar.

Jones, M., & Clark, G. (2024). Language teachers with ADHD: Self-efficacy and framings. Fremdsprachen Lehren und Lernen, 53(2).

Jones, M. (2024). Multiliteracies for Student Presentations. JALT Postconference Publication, 2023(1), 229–234.

Jones, M. (2024). Choosing statistical analyses for small samples. JAAL in JACET Proceedings, 6, 28-32.

Lowe, R. J., & Jones, M. (2024). Exploring Duoethnography in ELT Research Ecosystems: Accessibility, Misuse, and Further Horizons. International Review of Qualitative Research 17(1), 31-48.

Jones, M., & Noble, M. (2023). “What about teachers?”: a duoethnographic exploration of ADHD in ELT. Explorations in Teacher Development, 29(1), 34-45.

Jones, M., & Bruzzano, C. (2023). Reflecting Dialogically on Listening Pedagogy: A duoethnography. The Language Scholar, 11, 7-25. HTML: Paginated:

Jones, M., & Blume, C. (2022). Accent Difference Makes No Difference to Phoneme Acquisition. Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language Journal-TESL-EJ, 26(3), 1–22.

Jones, M. (2022b). Teaching Linguistic Landscape Research: Encouraging Learner Cognition About Language Practices. JAAL in JACET Proceedings, 4, 60–64.

Jones, M. (2021). Problems Teaching Listening Online. The Language Scholar 9, 74-83. HTML: Paginated:

Jones, M. (2020f). English Language Teachers’ Stated Beliefs and Practices Regarding Task-Based Language Teaching and Listening. Konin Language Studies, 8(4), 369–390. Journal website problem. Download.

Jones, M. (2020d). Creating a small corpus to inform materials design in an ongoing English for Specialist Purposes (ESP) course for Orthodontists and Orthodontic Assistants. Studies in English Language and Literature, 26, 1-12. Preprint available from:

Jones, M. (2020c). Exploring Difficulties Faced in Teaching Elective English Listening Courses at Japanese Universities. Listening Education Online Journal, 10(1), 12-20. Preprint available from:

Jones, M. (2020b). Investigating English Language Teachers’ Beliefs and Stated Practices Regarding Bottom-up Processing Instruction for Listening in L2 English. Journal of Second Language Teaching & Research, 8(1), 52–71.

Jones, M., & Steven, J. (2020). Duoethnography of Two EFL Teachers Developing Their Own Classroom Teaching Materials. The Language Scholar 8Online first version (HTML)  Paginated version (PDF).

Jones, M. (2018). TBLT in Japan. ETAS Journal. Summer 2018 27-28.

Jones, M. (2017). Gathering the Evidence. TESOL Greece Newsletter. 135, July-September 2017. pp. 21-22.

Jones, M. (2016). Teachers’ Beliefs and Practices Regarding Listening and Pronunciation in EFL. Explorations in Teacher Development. ETD JALT TD SIG. 23:1 pp. 11-17.

Preprints & Non peer-reviewed articles

Clark, G., & Jones, M. (2025). Workplace orientations of language teachers with ADHD. Zenodo.

Clark, G., & Jones, M. (2025). Workplace experiences of language teachers with ADHD. Zenodo.

Jones, M. (2024). Teaching project management through creating SDGs lesson plans. The University Grapevine, 22, 12-13. PDF.

Kasamura, I., Liu, J., Nishimura, T., & Jones, M. (2024). The linguistic landscape of restaurant menus. Journal of Regional Development Studies, 27, 189-199. Repository link.

Jones, M. (2020e). Technology Expenses and Education among University English Language Teachers. (working paper)

Book reviews

Jones, M. (2022a). Freiermuth, M. & Zarrinabadi, N. (2020). Technology and the psychology of second language learners and users. TESL-EJ, 25(4), 1-3. PDF. HTML.

Jones, M. (2022c). Professional Development in Applied Linguistics: A Guide to Success for Graduate Students and Early Career Faculty (Luke Plonsky). JALT Journal, 44(1), 181-184. HTML.


2024: Using Duoethnography to Foster Critical Multiliteracies. JALT International Conference, 15-18 November 2024, Shizuoka Granship. Slides.

2024: The reported processes of multilingual listeners. JALT PanSIG Conference, 25-26 May 2024. Fukui University of Technology. Slides.

2024: Jones, M. & Clark, G. Workplace orientations of language teachers with ADHD. The Second International Hybrid Conference on Diversity Inclusivity in English Language Education. 11-12th May. Soka University, Tokyo. Slides.

2024: How does listening input modality affect vowel acquisition and listening comprehension? Foreign Language Listening Comprehension (LiCo), 6-7 March. Münster University.

2023: Multiliteracies for student presentations. JALT National Conference, 24-27 November 2023. Tsukuba International Conference Center (Epochal). Slides.

2023: Does seeing vowels increase the probability of acquisition? J-SLA International Conference, 14th-15th October 2023. Gakushuin University. Poster.

2023: Listening and CALL: a critical review. JALT Listening SIG Conference. 15 July 2023. Tokyo Heisei Plaza. Slides.

2023: Jones, M. & Clark, G. Not necessarily a deficit: Language teachers with ADHD can and do excel. JALT PanSIG Conference, 13-14 May 2023. Kyoto Sangyo University.

2023: Using duoethnography to develop academic skills. JACET 4th Joint Seminar. 20-21 March 2023. Bunkyo University. Slides.

2022: Listening to Global Englishes: Problems in practice. JALT Listening Conference, 25 September 2022.

2022: Teaching Listening from the Bottom Up and Top Down. Yokohama JALT, 2 July 2022.

2021: Jones, M., & Noble, M. “What about teachers?”: a duoethnographic exploration of ADHD in TEFL. Mental Health in Foreign Language Education, Maximilian Ludwig University. 27th November 2021. Slides.

2021: Teaching listening online: Challenges and affordances. JALT National Conference, 15th November 2021.

2021: Making Your Classes ADHD Aware: Simple Tips for Inclusion. KOTESOL International Conference. 20th February 2021.

2020: Problems Teaching Listening Online. JACET Chubu. Video and slides. 12th September 2020.

2020: Quick and Dirty Research Methods for the (Virtual) Classroom. Scholar.Social #SummerSchool. Video and slides.

2019: How Should We Approach Teaching to Facilitate Phoneme Acquisition in English as a Foreign Language? New Sounds 2019, Waseda University Tokyo, 31st August 2019.

2018: Whose Cared A Lesson In? ‘Hangout’ Presentation. excitELT, Rikkyo University Tokyo. 6th May 2018.

2018: Self Catering to Others: Being Myself for Learners’ Success. IATEFL TDSIG Webinar. 24th February 2018.

2017: Not Your Brother’s Dungeon Master’s Guide. Saitama JALT Nakasendo, Saitama, Japan. 2nd July 2017.

2016: Precision Pronunciation. Tokyo JALT/ Young Learners SIG event. 11th December 2016.

2015: Teaching Listening (as opposed to ‘doing’ listening). Saitama JALT Nakasendo, Saitama, Japan. 19th July 2015.

2015: The effects of a Lack of Application of SLA Theory and Research in the Eikaiwa and ALT Industry in Japan. Michinohe MEES Conference, Hachinohe Gakuin University, Hachinohe, Japan. 31st May 2015.

Media Appearances

Lost In Citations. (2022). #120 – The Listening Conference 2022.

The Phonpod Podcast. (2022). 1: Marc Jones. (Stream).—Episode-1—Marc-Jones-e1kgf4l

TEFLology Podcast. (2020). 104: TEFLology Live (Part 2) (No. 104) [Mp3].

Learn Your English Network. (2020). Episode 27: Chiara Bruzzano & Marc Jones (No. 27) [Mp3]. Available from

TEFLology Podcast. (2015). Episode 35: Dogme on the Diploma, Dave Willis, and the Lingua Walkout (No. 35) [Mp3].


2022-Present TESL-EJ Assistant Editor

2021-2022 TESL-EJ Board of Reviewers

15 Dec 2020-Present Open-Access Research in English Language Teaching – Editorial Consultant

2020-2021 LLP Journal – Reviewer