A portrait photograph of Marc Jones wearing glasses.

Age: 43

Visa status: Permanent Resident


April 2021

Toyo University

Contract English Lecturer

Designing syllabi, selecting and designing materials, teaching and assessing learners on courses related to English for Academic purposes in the department of Global Innovation Studies. Working toward increasing departmental IELTS scores for study abroad among 1st year undergraduates.


April 2017 – March 2021

Tokyo Kasei University

English Instructor

Designing syllabi, selecting and designing materials, teaching and assessing learners on courses of English Communication for first-year Psychology, Nutrition, and Caregiving students, second-year Fashion Design students and first year junior college Nutrition and Childcare students. Currently teaching English Intensive course for first-year English Communication students. Delivered CPD to Intensive English Course teachers on working with students living with ADHD.

April 2018 – March 2021

Obirin University

English Instructor

Designing syllabi, selecting and designing materials, teaching and assessing learners on Authentic Listening, Essay Writing, Presenting Skills, Extensive Reading and Language & Culture elective courses for Global Communication students; teaching and assessing learners on courses of English Communication for first-year Business Management students and first-year Liberal Arts students.

January 2018 – August 2019

Cooperativa Serveís Linguistics de Barcelona

International Collaborating Member

Producing lesson plans and teaching materials, particularly those with oriented toward a Task-Based Language Teaching approach. Producing corpora for ESP. Providing CPD for cooperative members. Designing teacher education materials.

April 2016 – March 2019

Kanto Gakuin University

English Instructor

Designing syllabi, selecting and designing materials, teaching and assessing learners on courses of English Communication for first-year Sociology students, second-year Sociology Students, second-year English students repeating first-year English Communication and elective English through Songs for English students.

April 2011-March 2018

Waseda Junior High School

English Teacher

Teaching English to second and third-grade junior high school students and first-grade high school students. Responsible for second-grade curriculum pacing. Designing materials. Proofreading examination materials.

December 2008-June 2017

ECC Foreign Language Institute/Corporate Education Section

English Instructor

Teaching classes for academic credit in English, English Reading and TOEIC at Tokyo Agricultural University 2009, 2010, 2012, 2013. Taught English for work and business on location at various companies. Teaching English for business and also general English to adults and children.

September 2007 – October 2008

Little Missenden CE Infant School, UK

Classroom Teacher

Taking responsibility for Year 1 and Year 2 classes, teaching all National Curriculum subjects.

September 2006 – August 2007

Barmston Village Primary School, UK

Graduate Trainee Teacher

Teaching between 50%-90% of a regular teacher’s timetable across Key Stage 1, 2 and Early Years Foundation Stage. Teaching all National Curriculum subjects.

April 2003 – March 2006


October 2004 – March 2006 Branch Supervisor

April 2003 – September 2004 English Instructor

Teaching English conversation to adults and children, including TOEIC, TOEFL, Eiken, Business and Travel courses. Administration of instructor schedules and sales statistics.

November 2002 – March 2003

University of Sunderland, UK

Library Assistant

Assisting borrowers, processing returns, issuing media and processing submitted coursework.

November 2001-July 2002

Independent Media Services

Media Typist

Editing and producing television subtitles to deadline for deaf and hearing impaired viewers.


March 2022 – Present

TU Dortmund

PhD Candidate

Dissertation: Investigating factors that influence English L2+ perceptual vowel acquisition: modality, speaker, and feedback

September 2018 – December 2020

University of Portsmouth

MRes Humanities & Social Sciences: Pass with Merit.

Dissertation: Can perceptual phonology acquisition be visually aided in classroom settings?

September 2015 – December 2017

University of Portsmouth

MA Applied Linguistics & TESOL: Pass with Merit.

Dissertation: Alignment of teachers’ stated practices with research-based pedagogy in English L2 listening

September 2006 – June 2007

University of Sunderland

Graduate Teacher Programme (QTS)

September 1997 – June 2001

University of Sunderland

BA (Hons) Film & Media Studies


October 2014 – November 2015

Shane English School

Trinity (LCTL) Diploma TESOL

5 December 2010

Japanese Language Proficiency Test – N2 Pass

Publications, Presentations and Service